
Monday, April 21, 2008

On the Road

Mike and I had a great trip to Charlotte. It was really fun for me to be able to see Mike in action. He spoke twice to the whole student body from grades K-12! That was a total of 815 students! He did a great job speaking on their theme to be armed and ready. On Wednesday afternoon we went from class to class and he had the opportunity to "unpack" what he had shared in chapel. He really is a teacher at heart and it was fun for me to see him interact with the students. It was a missions conference, the first one in a long time where I got to sit back and not be the main speaker!

Wednesday night we had dinner with four of Mike's former students. Three were RA's in the past and had many stories to tell of their time with Mike! Thursday evening we drove to Winston-Salem for dinner with a former staff member here at CIU. They have two little girls so we were given a dance show and an introduction to all their stuffed animals! It was a long drive but well worth it.

We splurged on the way home and ate at a great Chinese restaurant, PF Changs. Mike has been wanting to eat there for years and he said it was well worth the wait!

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