
Friday, March 6, 2009

So much time has gone by since the last time I visited our blog. Here are the highlights of the past few weeks:

- Our baby is growing right on schedule according to my latest check-up this week

- My belly is getting big enough to 'lose' things under it (such as an open pen that ended up writing all over my pants before being discovered)

- Mike has finished up the long process of choosing his team of students to be Resident Assistants and on the Freshman Leadership Team

- We went to Florida last weekend to enjoy some sun and relaxation (especially after the above process)

- We leave for San Diego, California to visit Mike's family in just 15 days

- Someone from my high school set up a facebook group for us to join so it has been fun connecting with classmates from 20 years ago!!

- Our one year anniversary is on Sunday and it has been fun reminiscing about all that was going on this time last year

- We continue to be thankful for the people in our lives who love us and cared about us through our wedding and beyond into our marriage!

1 comment:

Anita said...

You are the cutest pregnant friend I have, seriously. :)
